About time…

Posted April 29, 2008 by JohnJohn

Barack Obama finally decided to distance himself from Jeremiah Wright, his controversial pastor of almost 20 years. In a press conference, Obama stated that some of Wright’s recent comments “contradict everything I am about and who I am.”

I can’t believe it took Obama this long to break ties with Wright. In reality, Wright scares the majority of “White America” with his outspoken viewpoints. I’m black and he scares me at times.

Ultimately we can’t ignore the fact that race will be a deciding factor for many Americans when its time to vote for President.

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  1. Optimistic's comment says

    On April 30, 2008 at 7:01 am

    Amen to you Brother JohnJohn. I was waiting for you or someone BLACK to post something about this lunatic. Don’t take that usage of “Black” the wrong way. I’m just saying it’s time for people to stand up. You should’ve posted this way before Obama did. I expected you to push that whatever you call, well to push the issue. That’s your job. I think that was Obama’s problem, he waited for Rev. Wright to go past crazy before he distanced himself. And you’re just like Obama. In the back of your mind and heart, you know the right thing, yet you post stuff about Snipes, Miley Cyrus, bless her heart, Jay-Z and Lil’ Wayne and all those weirdos, yet you let something so big and important slip through the crack. I’m sorry, but you got Obama tendencies. I’m looking for you to always speak out and to do it before most others do. Unless I misread your little statement about that “other truth” stuff.

  2. AD's comment says

    On April 30, 2008 at 11:27 am

    Damn Optimistic.. Put JohnJohn’s a$$ on blast on his own site huh? I ain’t mad at you. You got something to say, say it! =) Just caught me a little off guard. I think JohnJohn is gonna push that “whatever you call” (perverbial envelope) when he answers your response.

    As for the Topic….

    Jeremiah Wright, based off of he and Obama’s past relationship can’t just be speaking 100% rhetoric. There has to be a smidget of truth in there somewhere. However, Barack should’ve definitively seperated himself from Wright the moment the allegations came out about a month ago. Nothing good could come from that relationship, and if Obama was concerned about loyalty, the two of them should’ve spoke and worked towards the common goal… Presidency!! As Black men, they are dividing the democratic Partisan vote within the black community. Anyone disagree with that statement?

  3. Martha Wilson's comment says

    On April 30, 2008 at 12:32 pm

    Funny enough, I had never seen the actual sermon before I was up in arms to defend Obama. My mom, a hispanic woman, is very pro Hilary(to the point that she is a delegate for her local district) and she excitedly phoned me about a month ago to tell me the news about this story and how the Hilary camp is SO PLEASED that “this Obama fella” will lose momentum. My response to her was- So what? What is Obama supposed to do? He doesn’t control the words that come out of his preachers mouth -just like catholics don’t control the actions of their priests with the altar boys. Should he stop going to the church where he’s gone for 20 years? He was just another person in the pew. He should not be held responsible for someone else’s perspective. Are catholics supposed to give up their faith? (cause in my opinion this is not even as bad as what is going on there.)
    And now after viewing it, I am even more pro Obama! And not because he’s distancing himself now (I understand that he needed to do that to get some more votes) but because I don’t think that anything that preacher said was untrue. Sure it was harsh and maybe a little unneccessary, but the truth of the matter is that “Change” is something that I believe in. I know it’s not gonna happen for Obama in 2009, but I’m going to at least do my part to try. And before you ask, I’m bi-racial with black, but my husband is white and he feels similar about Obama.

  4. Torus's comment says

    On April 30, 2008 at 6:45 pm

    Optimistic I’m not sure if you’re happy or disappointed with JohnJohn but I think he should be congratulated for speaking up for whats right. Its still a lot of black leader who are siding with Rev. Wright and think he got a bad rap. I don’t care if you’re a white or black Presidential candidate; your spiritual adviser shouldn’t be the person making comments like those.

  5. JohnJohn's comment says

    On April 30, 2008 at 8:16 pm

    My friend Optimistic, I can always trust you to be you. You’re always so spontaneous and passionate in every response. Here’s the “other truth”. I always felt that Rev. Wright was a bad representation for Obama, but since this site officially launched on April 1, 2008, Rev. Wright had been almost non-issue until this past week. For just over three weeks, he was a distant memory, and I do my best to bring you relevant news. With that being said, I agree that this whole thing was stretched out a little too long. At the same time, I can understand Obama’s hesitancy. Can you imagine ending a 20-year relationship with someone you consider “family” while the whole world is watching. Some of us have a hard time ending shallow relationships with people we don’t even really like or care about. Either way, I hope I shed some light on my approach to this issue and if I ever stop pushing that proverbial envelope, I’m 100% sure you’ll be the first to let me know…So play nice, or I’m gonna’ tell AD on ya

  6. Optimistic's comment says

    On May 1, 2008 at 5:40 pm

    I ain’t buying it JohnJohn. I’ve been hearing about this silly pastor and you should’ve addressed way before the mainstream media did. Or at least I thought. I was trying to call you out on your website, but you know me, I’m going to say what I feel. And I feel that you acted like every other black media person, they put it under hte rug as long as they could. You are black right, your picture looks black!

  7. Tulane's comment says

    On May 1, 2008 at 7:10 pm

    Rev. Wright is an intelligent man. However, it appears to me that he has allowed the pain from his past make him speak in an angry and ignorant manner. While much that he says is true the way in which he delivers it makes one question who God is to him. If Rev. Wright truly loves the Lord, then I pray that he will realize how his speech does not reflect that, and that he changes so that his love and light will shine. Also, I hope and pray that people do not judge Obama based on Rev. Wright because I believe Obama is the best person to be the next President for our great country!

  8. Teuila's comment says

    On May 4, 2008 at 12:50 pm

    I’m glad Obama announced that he’s distanced himself from Rev Wright. Something ain’t right about him. I never thought that a pastor would preach his prejudices to the church.

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