Struck out…

Posted April 29, 2008 by JohnJohn

Roger Clemens, former Major League pitcher, already had big problems with federal investigators regarding his possible use of steroids. Now Mindy McCready, the country singer, has verified that she and Roger had a decade long affair.

Wait it gets worse. At the time of the affair, Roger was 28 years old and married with two kids while Mindy was only 15-years-old. Yep, ironically the same age Miley Cyrus is right now.

Can you say… “Struck out”!

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  1. Optimistic's comment says

    On April 30, 2008 at 6:54 am

    Oh my Word. I hadn’t heard about this yet. Satin, I rebuke you! OK, we already know the guy was on steriods. His wife even admitted she was. That’s not what gets me. And him cheating on his wife, well yes the Lord will handle that. He talks very strongly about adulterers in his WORD. But what I can’t understand is the 15 and 28 age relationship. What’s wrong with these men? Why do they prey on little girls. I can’t lie, when I was 15 I was a little something. The good Lord blessed me with a little body, but I was still 15. 15 is a freshman in high school. 28 is a man out of medical school. He had kids and a wife. HE HAD KIDS! That’s the scary part. Oh Lord, please help these men and women who seek children to prey on. Lord let us PRAY on them. Whew, I need to walk away from this computer. If I read about another R. Kelly I’m going to lose my ever-loving mind. That’s just gross.

  2. FACE's comment says

    On April 30, 2008 at 7:08 am

    Where the Hell were her parents/guardians while she was bangin a 28yr old? Somebody had to know somethin. It boggles me how a grown man would rather be with a child than a woman, He need to be locked up with the rest of the child molesters(consentual or not). On the other hand, at the age of 15 she know right from wrong & I’m sure someone in her camp probably encouraged it(gold diggers).

  3. AD's comment says

    On April 30, 2008 at 7:48 am

    Hold on now, Roger isn’t right for having the “affair” per se, but the article still says that it is not yet founded that he had any sexual relations with her. It says that their families had a co-existing friendship. My Grandma always told me there is only one thing I should expect from people, and that is to be “let down” by them because nobody is perfect. I feel a little let down, but understand that Roger is a man, and men sin. That’s all that’s to it. He just made it worse on himself by pushing himself into a corner… and by doing it right in the middle of the public eye. I’m more interested in how he responds and or changes because of everything he is going through. Optimistic, you even told me yourself, “God is for EVERYBODY”. Lets let God handle him in the way he sees fit and just pray that he has positive change after the situation is completely disclosed.

  4. Optimistic's comment says

    On April 30, 2008 at 8:19 am

    Yea FACE I agree with you and it really doesn’t matter if she knows right from wrong or if she was encouraged, there’s a reason why people aren’t considered legal adults until their 18. When I think back, way back, to when I was 15, I knew right from wrong, but I was very young and so my right and wrong was a young version. If you get what I’m saying. But at 28 years old, LOCK HIS *** UP! That’s just awful. It’s just cruel. And where were her parents? Parents learn to care and get involved in your kids lives, you’d be suprised at how many molesters walk around in our faces. Whether we want to believe it or not, they are rapid and I’m willing to bet that there’s a molester in your family, in your group of friends and even visiting this site. Pray for the world.

  5. Optimistic's comment says

    On April 30, 2008 at 9:35 am

    AD my how we’ve changed. I agree with the end of what you said. I do. You’re the person I love to dislike, but you’re right. The one thing that you’ve over looked is the most important part, she was 15. Molestation is so rapid and common in our country and it saddens. I can’t stand men who prey on children. It eats me up. But Yes, he’s a man and men and women sin, but at what point will we stop giving everyone that excuse and stand for God. Of course we all sin, but to get to heaven we’ve got to repent and get it right. Repentence isn’t sinning today and doing it again tomorrow, it’s changing your mind and your heart and saying I’d rather die choosing God then live for this dying world.

  6. Eve's comment says

    On April 30, 2008 at 9:59 am

    And another bites the dust! She must’ve been some 15-year-old. Reminds me of me, lmao. Just kidding, look I don’t want erebody on here going off on me. But I’m saying, they say age ain’t nothing but a number I guess and marriage ain’t nothing but a contract. Ain’t that what erebody believe? Then why ya’ll trippin? Unless, like me ya’ll actually think marriage is a bond that God creates and 15 year olds and 28 years old are just gross. lmao. Poor family, they’ve gone through so much. And he probably had to get the 15 year old girl because all those steroids made his thang small and to the 15 year old he was the perfect size. eeeeewwwwwww… well no 28 years old bet not come my way, cuz I’m do like McCartney’s ex-wife and take they money and then find me a cutie my age. sorry old men!

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