Paris Hilton uses the ‘N-Word’
Socialite Paris Hilton gets exposed in forthcoming tell-all book.
Everyone’s favorite dumb blonde may end up having some haters after an unofficial tell-all book titled “Six Degrees Of Paris Hilton” hits the books stores later this year.
According to author Mark Ebner, the socialite regularly uses racial epithets as she was reportedly caught on tape calling a group of black men “nasty niggers.”
The Hilton camp of publicist and attorneys have been unsuccessful in their efforts to prevent the book from revealing a not-so nice side of the socialite star.
Something like this, if it’s true, could hurt her celebrity status. But then again, we’re not too sure why she’s a celebrity any way.
Honestly Im not that surprised and others shouldn’t be either, We now have a black president, these racist ***** out there sick about this ****!!!!! Dont you ppl ******* get it yet, Everybody and I mean EVERYBODY needs to watch there back because this is not the last it will get worse before it gets better.
**** P. HILTON ***** dont know **** about ****.
I am so tired of that word and how much power people give it. Im sick of white people thinking cuz they say it, for some magical reason it strikes a blow to the man I am. Im sick of black people flippen out when they hear famous white people say it. im ready to let it go… We all know whites are not better then blacks cuz they skin color…. The word is used to some how represent that blacks are less than because of their color… If every body knows its not true it has now become a pointless term. Its like calling a women with a head full of hair baldy… intended to be hurtful but just retarded Yet she reacts to it like she is bald which is even more retarded. I personally dont let anybody talk to me in a way i feel disrespected but that dont stop people from trying and in a world where there a millions things that i resent people saying, the idiot that only can come up with calling me a nigger to be disrespectful is just hard for me to take him or her serious enough to get upset. Let it go.