The real reason we hate Kanye West
Kanye West continued with his ridiculous rants of attention getting comments in a recent interview.
The so called “voice of this generation”, Kanye West, sounded off again in a recent interview and showed why so many people love to hate him.
Here goes a few Kanyeism sound-bites:
“Put this in the magazine: There’s nothing more to be said about music. I’m the f–king end-all, be-all of music.”
“Oh my God, I’m one of the greatest rappers in the world. I’ll get on a track and completely ee-nihilate that track, I’ll eat it and rip it in half. I wouldn’t have to think of it.”
“I have, like, nuclear power, like a superhero, like Cyclops when he puts his glasses on.”
“People ask me a lot about my drive,” he says. “I think it comes from, like, having a sexual addiction at a really young age.”
“I think ‘gay’ should be said as a compliment. Like, ‘Dude, that’s so good it’s almost…gay.’”
OK…so do you love him or love to hate him?
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I do not hate Kanye. I do however,understand that he dances to the beat of a different drummer (which is part of his genious). He is a part of the Mid-west which allows people to be their own person without ascribing to a part of the cookie cutter society where everyone has to be somewhat alike. Boring!!!! He is not hurting anyone he just wishes to be creative and remain his own person.
he is so right Gay is the new Good
he doesnt make better beats than dilla,premo,pete rock,diamond,madlib,and a whole host of other,kanye needs eat a dick up til he hiccups!(oh shit….he just might!)
Man! I really used to love Kanye, his style and all.Now he is kind of wack and having a big ego is not helping. And I wouldn’t say that it is just Kanye I think Hip-hop/Rap in general is taking a really different toll. Now we have Kanye with not only a messed up overly big ego but he is losing his style and soul of music. First he had the nice Mid-West swag. Now he has this kind of Wack Madonna/robotic/hip-hop/ goth style and it is not even that good. Then we have T-pain and Lil Wayne who are converting the whole music business to this dumb little voice box that when you listen to music you can’t even hear what the fuck they are saying. No offense to the old school dudes who started it. Hip hop is dead, black on black crime is growing, black business people are not working together. What is everything coming to?
Naw, I don’t hate Kanye, I love him so much. People can’t stand a person with confidence. And honestly he is one of the greatest in my opinion. There is nothing wrong with believing in yourself. If you don’t believe in you then who the hell will? He is a bit Different, but that’s what makes people special. Being different! If we were all the same no one would be interesting. Kwest is great. It would be different if he was saying these things and he was wack. He is definitely not wack, he is refreshing to say the least. Its true not everyone can handle interesting. But i love people who can keep me on my toes, and be good at what they do!!!
i think kanye is entitled to his own opinion he praises himself theres nothing wrong with you have to i like his music alot hes definately not the biggest ego out there i see wealthy people all day at my job and theres alot of people with worse attitudes that have much less hes achieved alot in his life he came from having a wired shut jaw and almost dying to having 10 grammys i commend him not on his ego but his accomplishments id have an ego to if everytime i did a track it went platinum not just rapping but producing i think now a days people worry too much about what someone else does and says this is a country that has no limits to how someone can feel or what they say and if it makes him feel better to say this stuff about himself then so be it but at the end of the day we know and he knows that we are all human you gotta be the shit to yourself before you can be the shit to someone else
hate him, im so tired of people putting a mic infront of this nut case and taking what he says and publishing it as something we want to read. go sit connie until you get it together, because right now you need meds…..
to love kanye, is to hate him in my opinion. and i’ve got mad love for this peppered-tongue don and will always appreciate his creative style. digressing briefly from the subject at hand; it was a defining moment for me when he released heartbreak 808 and revealed his vulnerable side which i believe served as a therapeutic outlet. to me, kanye’s tattooed attitude and arrogant expressions only illustrates his deepest insecurities. so i will continue to welcome with open arms his candor, sardonic humor, and memorable madcaps.
Kanye is not confident, he is crazy and full of shit. Now when his next CD comes out with a big bang and some good music then he can back up all that shit he is saying. But for now he has a big ego that needs to be broken down. I have seen and heard way more creative people. So Kanye just keep up the foolishness and stupidity, your only making yourself look like a damn fool. Seriously something is wrong with him, i can name a lot of artist that are way better than him.
This fool thinks he is Beethoven!
Man Kanye is on some other shit and to be quit honest I think the death of his mother kinda screwed his head up. It’s hard losing somebody especially a person that you are really close to (like his mom). It’s really sad but I do believe its true. It’s hard when you don’t feel like you have somebody to talk to and everyone knows how close he and his mom was. I think he just need to talk to God on a daily a couple of times a day until he find himself again. He’s lost right now ya’ll just pray for him until he get’s the strength to pray for himself.
First of all, those are some of the worse comments that could have been picked. Second, I love Kayne West. Clearly Kayne is full of himself, but with his track record it would be hard to remain humble. Imagin if you were the main producer on one of Hip-Hop’s greatest album(The BluePrint). What if you pushed an album back so you could go toe to toe with the billboard beast 50Cent, and what if you won(Graduation out sold Curtis)! What if you helped Alicia Keys, Jay-Z, Ludacris, Keisha Coles, Janet Jackson, Common, John Legend and Young Jeezy etc… all came to you for beats because they all feel like your a genuis.
We all would have a BIG HEAD.
I will always give Kayne respect. He may not be the best Hip-Hop producer of all time but has to be in the top 10. He may not be a top 10 rapper but he is gaining ground on that list. Plus he doesn’t portray the street image prominent in the Hip-Hop culture.
Im a man of the truth. So when the truth is told Kayne is just like 808 & HeartBreak. It wasn’t what you excpected. It was from the heart. And when the album dropped it hit the charts on top.
Alright, I’ll give anyone that yes Kanye can lay some tracks and has some good hits, I find myself liking some of his music. But none of that excuses they way he acts, hes an egocentric a$$****. I don’t care how good you are, you don’t praise yourself over and over, and you sure as hell don’t go saying your the be all end all of anything! And seriously, to say “it would be hard to be humble” is a cop-out, the man degrades other artists because he doesn’t win an award or they don’t want to talk with him! That’s just immature… grow up Kanye, just ****ing grow up and get the **** over yourself, you’re not that great!
And those that are all “I respect him” seriously! You can respect the music he puts out, and him as an “artist” that I will give you too; but to respect the MAN that he has portrayed and lead others to strive to be like… really, that’s what you respect? It’s not about us not liking confident people, it’s about us wanting those confident people to keep their mouths shut and let the fans do the praising. If he was as confident as everyone says he is, he wouldn’t pull the bull**** he does and says.
Kid Cudi and Kanye stole the idea for the “I Make Her Say/ Poke Her Face” song from an artist named Jae Khemis
Just listen to the youtube video and the song on his myspace page
It’s obvious.
I used to love Kanye but he just plain sucks now, A complete sell-out. I used to overlook the arrogance because he backed it up with good music (The College Dropout) but slowly he became more arrogance and produced less quality in his albums.
How he releases an auto-tuned abismal of an album and now is hailing himself “the f–king end-all, be-all of music”, Bitch please! That is so f-king stupid its unbelievable. Give me a “through the wire” or a “Two words” instead of a “good life” or a “love lockdown”
He say’s “I’m one of the greatest rappers in the world. I’ll get on a track and completely ee-nihilate that track, I’ll eat it and rip it in half. I wouldn’t have to think of it “. Yup, that’s if he ever raps again instead of a sh*tty auto-tuned song.
Kanye needs to step up and stop being an arragant a**hole and make good music. He should start using samples again in his music because thats where his best beats came from. I’ve been waiting since 2005-onwards for an album that could rival “The college dropout”, lets hope that he actually does.
p.s “I think ‘gay’ should be said as a compliment. Like, ‘Dude, that’s so good it’s almost…gay.”
…yes that does explain why he likes fishsticks. lol