Muhammad Ali = The Greatest….

Posted April 6, 2008 by JohnJohn

Many celebrities came out to support Muhammad Ali’s Celebrity Fight Night XIV in Scottsdale, Arizona this past weekend. The event was held to raise money for the Muhammad Ali Parkinson’s Center and tickets ranged from $2,000 - $3,500 per person….in other words you betta be ballin’!

Check out the rest of the photos

Look at Whitney ….I guess she’s showing her “goodies” now that Bobby’s out the picture.

American Idol’s Jordan Sparks…nice smile, nice personality, nice voice…..but I’m not convinced she’s a star yet.

I guess Kevin Costner still knows how to play “Body Guard”

Shaq needs some lotion on those knuckles…and didn’t he and Shaunie (wife) file for divorce


  1. AD's comment says

    On April 7, 2008 at 6:12 am

    Since this is about “The Greatest of All Time”, I will be very sincere and respectful about this event. What a world class individual Muhammad Ali is. If there is no person on earth that you can respect, it is this man. Not only was the man a sportsman, he displayed a remarkable amount of sportsmanship in the shadow of his showmanship. He entertained the World. He left an impact on not just America, but mankind. What he has done after his demise from the ring is even more impressive. In the midst of his disease he continues to push and support worthy causes while, i’m sure, burning every ounce of energy his body has left to give. But its never been about his energy, because his heart has always outlasted his physical abilities. Today is no different. Muhammad Ali, I salute you, and you are loved by many. Thanks for setting such a great example of sportsmanship and character. I’m eternally grateful!!!

  2. Eve's comment says

    On April 7, 2008 at 2:49 pm

    Message to Whitney: Bobby just dogged you in his book, so when out in public at least try to look like you did back in Preacher’s Wife, that way people can think, “There’s no way.”

    Or maybe Whitney has a CD or movie coming out soon, with “her girls” out like that, she’s sure to go platinum!

    But much props to Ali…

  3. Martha Wilson's comment says

    On April 7, 2008 at 5:00 pm

    This man will always float like a butterfly and sting like a bee to me!

  4. Truth's comment says

    On April 7, 2008 at 7:42 pm

    yes I agree big ups to muhummad you couldn`t ask for a greater boxer legend. as for whitney, come on yall she isnt looking half bad for a precrack addict…she must have sold the last of that and brought a good pushup bra, she`s still my girl, despite her “problems”!

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