
Posted April 13, 2008 by JohnJohn

Hey Folks,

Time is passing so fast and it seems just like yesterday since I began this blog….but the most exciting part is seeing all of you take ownership of this venture. Many of you have made recommendations and added encouragement in areas that I never would have considered.

I must admit, there were times when I held to my pride and thought….”Thanks for the advice, but you don’t understand”…and sometimes that was a correct response, but more often than not, you had a great idea that made the JohnJohnSaidIt experience that much better….Needless to say, JohnJohnSaidIt is only as good as the people who read and comment on the site and I thank all of you for your participation…ok, enough of the sincere stuff; here’s some of the small but powerful changes that have been made because of your feedback.

Comments Section:

We now have a new feature that allows you to receive an update via email whenever somebody responds to your comment. This feature allows you to see what people are saying about your comment and will promote even more discussion within each posting. So be sure to select the check box labeled…“Notify me of followup comments via e-mail”

Who is JohnJohn Tab:

Initially this section was all about me and my self-promoting ego and now it reflects the true meaning of this website…which is to create a platform that allows “US” to voice our thoughts and opinions in a fun and positive environment……”As iron sharpens iron…”

JohnJohn’s Participation

Initially I had refrained from participating in the Comments section as not to overload my opinion within the site……but I have found that many of you prefer to interact, laugh, challenge, and discuss things with me….thanks to your insight, I now look forward to becoming more involved in the Comments section…..of course I will pick-n-choose certain topics but if you see a comment from “JohnJohn”….It’s really me!

Ask JohnJohn Tab

Yet another example of one of your ideas coming to light….this section is fast becoming a favorite and I am currently working to have this section posted weekly in an popular news publication as well as on this site….so just keep bringing great questions and you may find your question on a newsstand and on the front page of

These are just some highlights of the many improvements that have taken place in such a short time, and I look forward to your thoughts and ideas because together we will create a fun and thought provoking environment. As you continue to invest your time, energy and thoughts…we will watch this website grow and evolve only because you took it upon yourself to say, “If I don’t….who will”

Can’t touch this…

Posted April 10, 2008 by JohnJohn

Who said M.C. Hammer has gone out of style….you gotta see this.

Try playing the videos at the same time so you can get the full affect….and keep an eye out for the lady in the background…classic!

Size does matter…

Posted by JohnJohn

Infomercials make it sound so easy for men to increase the size of their manhood…but anything that is too good to be true probably is….one man died from taking a “knock-off” brand of male enhancement pills and others have been hospitalized……so fellas’, if she tells you that you need an enhancement….make sure she’s worth dying for.

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50 sued again…

Posted by JohnJohn

50 cent is being sued for something that one of his G-Unit members Tony Yayo did….Last year, Yayo slapped a 14 year old kid because Yayo didn’t like the kids father…very stupid right….now the kid’s mother is suing Yayo….which she should…but she’s also trying to sue 50 cent and Interscope records….which she shouldn’t.

I’m usually with the “hate on 50″ bandwagon but this is ridiculous…first of all 50 wasn’t even present during the incident….you can’t sue McDonald’s if one of the cashiers slaps you in the face while he’s off work….it just ain’t right….ok, I’ve gotten that out the way….now I can take back my seat with the “hate on 50″ bandwagon

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Give and take…

Posted by JohnJohn

President Bush is set to announce that troop reductions in Iraq will be suspended while tours of duty will be decreased from 15 to 12 months….Its like he gives us a dollar and takes back .99 cent….obviously I’m not a big fan of Bush, but JohnJohn got love and appreciation for the troops….”Bring’em Home”

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