Cell phone companies have long gotten away with charging outrageous termination fees, and the FCC is finally getting involved to reduce the amount cell phone companies can charge to cancel a contract.
It’s about time! Now all we need is for them to increase our “anytime minutes”.
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You’re going to love this. We all know that the government keeps stockpiles of oil reserves stored somewhere in a hidden facility. Lately there has been a public push to have the government release some of the oil to relieve gas prices.
Unfortunately the government’s response is, “that oil is needed to respond to future supply emergencies.” I don’t know about you, but I want to call 911 every time I go to the gas station.
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The theory that teens engage in oral sex, and not full intercourse, to maintain their “technical virginity” is just a myth. A new study showed that teens between the ages of 15-19 years old began full intercourse around the same time as they began oral sex.
I know we don’t want to accept it, but young people are doing adult things…lil’ freaks!
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“Ooooh I hate them…just wait til’ I hit puberty.”
Check out the kid in the background. Now its your turn to give your best caption.
Teen depression and suicide are linked to marijuana. Better yet, marijuana increases the risk of developing mental disorders by 40% according to this report.
So much for “Puff…puff…pass!”
Finally…some honesty!
“Damn…I can’t swim”
Ok, now let’s hear your best caption.

Rock group Nine Inch Nails did the unthinkable today. They allowed fans to download their new album for free. It marks the first time that a major music artist has done this.
One of the band members said it best, “acknowledge what the marketplace is already showing us: free exists whether you want to acknowledge it or not. Let’s acknowledge that, use it and do something with it.”
I love that mentality…somebody needs to tell the gas companies that.
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Iranian officials seek to ban the Barbie doll, Spiderman, Harry Potter, Batman and other Western toys citing them as “destructive” and a “danger” to the cultural balance of their community.
Hmmm…I guess they would rather have their kids learn how to become suicide bomber.
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I’m sure you’ve all noticed that gas prices have skyrocketed in recent weeks. A few people had told me that we, in America, should feel fortunate because other countries are paying a lot more for gas. Whenever I hear something like that, it motivates me to do some research.
I found that there are two ends of the spectrum; Sierra Leone is at $18.42 per gallon while Venezuela is at .12 cent per gallon.
In other words, it’s time for me to brush-up on my Spanish…..hello Venezuela.
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