
Posted April 30, 2008 by JJSaidIt Staff

David Blaine, whom I call the “crazy magician”, broke a Guinness Record by holding his breath for 17 minutes and 4 seconds while underwater. He accomplished this record breaking performance in front of millions of viewer on the Oprah show.

I hate to say it, but I can almost guarantee that some kid will drown within the next week trying to copycat this feat.

That’s the world we live in.

Click here to read the rest

Miss Rap Supreme…

Posted April 21, 2008 by JJSaidIt Staff

VH1’s new reality show, Ego Trip’s Miss Rap Supreme, is the networks latest attempt to capitalize on the music reality-show craze that has swept through TV land. However, unlike American Idol or Making the Band, I think the producers purposely picked the least talented and most controversial contestants to be on the show.

I don’t mind the producers attempting to “spice up” the show with controversy or create an entertaining environment, but ultimately talent has to come into the equation and on this show; 2 + 2 = terrible.

Click here to see the contestants


Posted April 17, 2008 by JJSaidIt Staff

The “X-Files” TV series is one of my all-time favorite shows. I still record old episodes and watch them whenever I have time. Ok, that’s probably too much information and you’re probably wondering why I posted this article. Well, I’ve always wondered about extraterrestrial beings and their existence. Part of me always wanted to believe they exist. Ironically, the title of the new X-Files movie is “I Want to Believe”

So let’s assume that aliens are discovered today, “What would be the impact on our cultural makeup.” When you look at every culture around the world almost each one has a religious component to it and I would guess that most of them don’t account for aliens from other planets.

Would this debunk the “7 day theory” in the Book of Genesis? Would the church accept the aliens and try to convert them? I personally think Holy Hell would break loose and ET would probably be phoning home very soon because we, as humans, have a tendency to go to war with things we don’t understand.

Let me know what you think

A different world…

Posted April 8, 2008 by JJSaidIt Staff

Hey…do ya’ll remember Jasmine Guy from the hit 80’s show “A Different World”…well she just filed for divorce. Somebody needs to call Dwayne Wayne and tell him that Whitley is available.


Posted April 6, 2008 by JJSaidIt Staff

Oprah’s been catching a lot of heat for her comments about the “path to God” and her new-age teachings….do you think she denounces Christianity in this video or are people over analyzing this way too much.

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