Crazy kids…

Posted April 22, 2008 by JJSaidIt Staff

In South Carolina, another middle class suburban kid with “good parents” tried to blow-up his high school. The headline of the article reads, “Mental evaluation sought for student accused in bomb plot“…that’s a good place to start.

I would then say, “Go after the parents!”, but in a twist of sad irony, the parents were the ones who alerted police of their son’s suspicious behavior, so they should be praised for not being in denial.

Although the incident was prevented, can you imagine if an entire high school blows up in the middle of suburban America? Scary huh! Even scarier, is the fact that we wouldn’t be able to blame it on somebody with a Muslim name like Osama Bin laden or any of his friends. Instead, we would have to look at ourselves because American culture, with all of its greatness, created this would-be high school terrorist.

So what shall we do…or should we just expect to see an occasional high school terrorist from now on?


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  1. Starchild's comment says

    On April 22, 2008 at 12:54 pm

    I’m convimced that this video game generation will have some straight up lunatics. They are basically acting out scenes from games and why should we expect anything different. I guarantee that this won’t be the last time.

  2. Lil' E's comment says

    On April 22, 2008 at 6:22 pm

    I don’t even know what to say about this. I just know that as a student I should comment because I’m affected by this every day. I don’t know what the problem is, but johnjohn I’d like u to push the issue and let me know what u think the problem is and also what the answer is. thanks

  3. Martha Wilson's comment says

    On April 22, 2008 at 8:48 pm

    I’m not going to sit here and blame tv, or video games, or music for situations like this. That is bull. I think that since the beginning of time…. every newer generations feel the need to out do the last. Come on we walk up right…. we drive cars… hybrid cars. I mean, take a look at cell phones for example. They used to be like holding a brick with an antenna to your ear and they’re now just a clip on your ear with blue tube. We are just going to be prepared for the worst. As technology booms so does crime and even hate. I guess that is a gift (and a flaw) of the human design. There is going to be someone who does it just a little bit better than the last….. as of now, VT holds that record- at least for now. :o(

  4. Teuila's comment says

    On April 23, 2008 at 10:04 am

    It’s definitely a trend in suburban America. Has a study been done and published as to why these students act out like this?

  5. Torus's comment says

    On April 23, 2008 at 10:32 am

    Don’t discount that video game theory. I’m sure there’s a study somewhere to support it. Human are just copy cats. We repeat what we’ve seen or heard and that includes movies, video games, and everything in between.

  6. AD's comment says

    On April 28, 2008 at 12:15 pm

    Martha, you make a good point, but when it’s all said and done, I think it all comes back to parenting at the earliest ages. What you said did make some sense though. Torus, the video game theory makes a little sense too. I think that’s the element that adds in the extra “bravado”. What do the rest of you guys think?

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