Will Smith and Jada start a Scientology school?

Posted March 12, 2009 by JJSaidIt Staff


Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith


The latest stars to step forward in the quest to educate children are actor Will Smith and wife Jada Pinkett Smith.


The Smith’s opened the New Village Leadership Academy in California last fall.   The school teaches pre-k through sixth grade.  Pinkett developed a home-school program for her kids and wanted to share it with other children.


This school has seen its share of controversy, including rumors that the teachings utilize methods developed by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, though the director of the school denies any Scientology ties.


At this point most public school systems are so messed up and under funded…who cares what religion they teach as long as the kids are being educated properly. 


As far as we’re concerned, they can call the school ‘Atheism for Christians Academy’ as long as the kids learn to solve an algebraic equation, write a comprehensive research paper, and read books without pictures.


What we think Will and Jada should say to all the haters… “If I don’t who will”.


Related posts:



Scientology troubles for Will and Jada



Will Smith caught talking Scientology beliefs…see the video



Jada Pinkett…’Black people can be Scientologist too’


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  1. doryfunk's comment says

    On March 12, 2009 at 1:04 pm


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