Chris Brown says…’I am not engaged’

Posted January 6, 2009 by JJSaidIt Staff


Chris Brown


R&B singer fights ongoing rumors or engagement.


Click here to read full story »

Jordan Sparks crush

Posted December 21, 2008 by JJSaidIt Staff


Jordin Sparks performs at Sandalford Winery in Australia on Saturday. 


The American Idol winner claims she had a crush on Chris Brown, but when she met him “he didn’t seem too interested in girls.”


I guess Rihanna changed his mind.








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Chris Brown and Rihanna sued

Posted December 4, 2008 by JJSaidIt Staff


A photographer is suing Chris Brown and his girlfriend Rihanna for $1 million after alleging their bodyguards roughed him up and took off with his camera in May.


Luis Santana, 26, is suing to replace the $3,000 camera that was broken and stolen; to pay for the photos he lost; and compensation for his injuries and emotional distress.


Dang, I don’t think that adds up to a $1 million…must be some expensive emotional distress.


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