Usher’s wife lied to him and doctors

Posted February 24, 2009 by JJSaidIt Staff |Category: Usher


Usher and Tameka Foster


The President of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery said Usher’s wife, Tameka Foster, lied to the doctors.


To add insult to injury, R&B singer Usher was apparently unaware that his wife was getting liposuction to reduce “baby fat” following a December delivery of the couples son.


Not only did Tameka Foster mislead her husband, she also lied to doctors by telling them she had had a baby four months before coming for surgery, when in fact, only two had passed causing a much more dangerous situation.


Said the doctor, “After a pregnancy, the abdomen muscle is violently stretched, becomes flaccid and swells. The patient needs six to eight months to return to normal and only then can undergo surgery.” .


Although Foster was fortunate to survive after suffering a heart attack and being in a coma, Usher is said to be “upset with her decision but grateful to God his wife is alive.”


It seems odd that Usher was unaware of the operation because eventually Foster would have come home with stitches in her stomach.  Nevertheless, what does this say about the nature of their relationship and what other secrets is she keeping?


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  1. Natural's comment says

    On February 24, 2009 at 4:54 pm

    i agree. if you’re keeping one secret, you’ll keep 2. when trust is broken, it’s hard to repair.

  2. DivaKattGurl's comment says

    On February 24, 2009 at 7:57 pm

    Things that make you go hmmmmmmm….

  3. DORIS's comment says

    On February 25, 2009 at 9:30 am

    That is all BS. Any doctor who would perform such proceedure would have had to do a patient workup and would/should have know the woman had just given birth recently. The body doesn’t lie and a doctor or hospital should have caught that. So sad that this woman nearly lost her life trying to keep her figure, for waht so she can keep the man? She almost lost it all, besides the fact that she has 5 sons would would have been motherless. All that aside, how is it that a mother can leave the country with 5 sons a new born at that and her husband not know about it. Whose money did she use? Who was watching the children? People need to get real.

  4. Dia's comment says

    On February 26, 2009 at 11:43 am

    Doesn’t say anything except this woman is feels so little about herself that she has to lie and put her life in jeopardy for sake of vanity. Hope she feels fulfilled with her decision because it was worth it almost dying instead of letting nature takes it course and letting weight come off naturally like before ohhh yeah I forgot she didn’t have the money like before to waste hap hazardly like before. SMH on this hot mess moving on to something that matters like the tax break that I actually am not going to get when you do that math.

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