Posted April 30, 2008 by JJSaidIt Staff
The world’s first cloned horse has given birth. The 5-year-old horse who garnered significant media attention when she was created in 2003 has set precedence in regards to the possibilities of cloning by becoming a parent.
Now that they’ve cloned a horse, which is obviously healthy and able to reproduce, it’s only a matter of time before they clone humans (if they haven’t already). I don’t know about you, but I only want one “JohnJohn” walking around this earth.
Let me know what you think.
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Posted April 28, 2008 by JJSaidIt Staff
“Get in my belly…or I’ll shoot ya”. Ok, I gave it a shot now it’s your turn.
Let me hear your best caption.
Posted April 24, 2008 by JJSaidIt Staff
Here’s another one of those “watch out…this can kill you too” moments. It seems that every day we hear a new study about a food or drink that can kill you or lead to some sort of cancer. Well, guess what, here’s another one.
Apparently, there’s a substance called Bisphenol A (BPA) that is found in most plastic items including everything from baby bottles to food storage containers. Studies have found that BPA has been known to transpose from containers to the human body and, worst of all, it can possibly cause cancerous tumor and unknown medical problems.
I just figured that I should share this depressing news to confirm that just about everything you do is slowly killing you.
Now, go have great day!
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Posted April 22, 2008 by JJSaidIt Staff
In South Carolina, another middle class suburban kid with “good parents” tried to blow-up his high school. The headline of the article reads, “Mental evaluation sought for student accused in bomb plot“…that’s a good place to start.
I would then say, “Go after the parents!”, but in a twist of sad irony, the parents were the ones who alerted police of their son’s suspicious behavior, so they should be praised for not being in denial.
Although the incident was prevented, can you imagine if an entire high school blows up in the middle of suburban America? Scary huh! Even scarier, is the fact that we wouldn’t be able to blame it on somebody with a Muslim name like Osama Bin laden or any of his friends. Instead, we would have to look at ourselves because American culture, with all of its greatness, created this would-be high school terrorist.
So what shall we do…or should we just expect to see an occasional high school terrorist from now on?
Posted April 21, 2008 by JJSaidIt Staff
The ugly head of racism always seems to rise and remind us that it still exists. Usually when you see a photo like the one above, you think of non-contributing members of society that are lost in the backwoods of some unknown town.
This time it’s actually police officers from Ohio. I guess they’re not talking to me when they say, “to serve and protect”!
Worst yet, the officers weren’t fired because they claim it was a joke…am I the only one not laughing?
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Posted April 18, 2008 by JJSaidIt Staff
“It’s gotta’ be the shoes”……..Ok that was the best caption I could come up with now it’s your turn.
Post your caption for this picture.
Prison or college…
Posted April 17, 2008 by JJSaidIt Staff
The Black community has seen many young black males become imprisoned and has always suspected that there was a large number in prison. It’s one thing to think those thoughts but the statistic are startling. Here’s one stat that just hurts my soul, “10.4% of the entire African-American male population in the United States aged 25 to 29 was incarcerated”.
That’s unbelievable! When a person goes to prison it’s almost as if they are dead because they can’t vote, they can’t contribute to society, and they can’t raise their families. If 10% on any animal population were to die off in any given year, the government would probably consider that animal an endangered species and have laws to protect the animal. Not to call Black men animals, but you get my point.
I don’t know who’s to blame and there is enough to spread around to everyone, but I would like to see a “Save the Black Man” campaign. I’m not making excuses for those who are in prison, but I am making a plea to save those who have yet to commit a crime.
What’s your recommendation?
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Posted April 10, 2008 by JJSaidIt Staff
Infomercials make it sound so easy for men to increase the size of their manhood…but anything that is too good to be true probably is….one man died from taking a “knock-off” brand of male enhancement pills and others have been hospitalized……so fellas’, if she tells you that you need an enhancement….make sure she’s worth dying for.
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