Our police…

Posted April 21, 2008 by JJSaidIt Staff

The ugly head of racism always seems to rise and remind us that it still exists. Usually when you see a photo like the one above, you think of non-contributing members of society that are lost in the backwoods of some unknown town.

This time it’s actually police officers from Ohio. I guess they’re not talking to me when they say, “to serve and protect”!

Worst yet, the officers weren’t fired because they claim it was a joke…am I the only one not laughing?

Click here to read the rest


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  1. Eve's comment says

    On April 21, 2008 at 10:52 am

    I’m not going to curse on your website out of respect for you and all the readers, but man………………………………………………………………………….. all those dots are curse words and if anyone wanted a picture of how I feel, I’m hurt. I think my heart is making that same face Dwayne Wade made in that picture you had of him. Just hitting up your website and seeing that photo alone is disturbing. But I’mma unleash the Christian in me and just keep on moving, but racism is definitely out there. What a reality check… naw, forget that I’m pissed! lol.

  2. Eve's comment says

    On April 21, 2008 at 5:51 pm

    I had to get on here and comment again, I just read the actual story… they did this the day before MLK’s big day… wow what a cruel joke. Thank you for posting this JohnJohn and revealing that “other truth”. I mean that too. I would have never read about something like this in Ohio. ……………… and since I said I won’t curse, that goes some more dots for those police. And they tell us we should trust them. Get outa’ here…

  3. Lua's comment says

    On April 21, 2008 at 7:10 pm

    I never thought I would see something like this from a police officer. Maybe they were joking but what kind of people make jokes like that.

  4. Martha Wilson's comment says

    On April 22, 2008 at 9:00 pm

    That is really NOT funny. I’ve always thought that it is the most ignorant minded to hate or even dislike someone based on their skin color. You are whatever you were born into. It’s so random…. I could have just as easily been white. Hell, my kids could have just as easily come out darker than me even though my husband is white.(You’ve seen my dad-right?) It’s all about the genetics….. but I do know that unfortunately racism is still going on. That is one of the main reasons that I check the white box for my children’s information. Though it pains me, anything that will propel them through life I’m up for.

  5. Torus's comment says

    On April 23, 2008 at 10:38 am

    Look people. It probably was a joke. Sometimes we get way too politically correct. Don’t act like you haven’t made a racially charges joke in private. Only difference is that they got caught. Just being honest.

  6. Optimistic's comment says

    On April 23, 2008 at 4:45 pm

    just because somebody u know or somebody I know has made a racial remark, that doesn’t make this situation right. that’s like saying oh don’t be mad at that one man for raping that girl, u probably know someone else who’s done the same thing. wrong is wrong. this was cruel and ignorant. if my brother or sister makes a racist joke, its not ok. racism on any level is wrong. and last but not least, did reading that article make any of u laugh?

  7. RS's comment says

    On April 25, 2008 at 5:10 am

    No racism when being done to hurt someone is never funny. But then again anything being done to hurt someone is never funny. However, if you think you have never laughed at a racism joke… think again. I bet most of you have. Do any of you watch Dave Chapelle well he did a show once that he was a kkk member and everyone thought it was so funny. There are so many racism jokes that everyone tells and laughs at that you can’t tell me you have never laughed at a racism joke
    Also I would like to say that yes these guys were police officers and yes they should know better then to do something like that but don’t say police officers like they all do it. Most officers are great people, its just the few that give them a bad name (like any other group.. you always have those few) I also kinda agree with Torus: everyone these days turns it political. Its the new thing to be politically offended! Please lighten up a little and have fun… like the other blog says we are all slowly dying :)

  8. Optimistic's comment says

    On April 25, 2008 at 12:38 pm

    See that’s the thing, I don’t watch Dave Chappelle. I happen to HATE that show with a PASSION. It’s ignorant and exactly the I feel is wrong with the world. He’s stupid. And I’m not saying that I’ve never laughed or forwarded a racist joke, I’m saying that IT WAS WRONG. It doesn’t matter how many people do wrong, it’s still wrong. This was wrong, telling racist jokes is wrong. And we should be offended and it’s when we stop being offended, that this world will be in pure HELL. Everyone thinks we should just relax. Say nigger, let men marry men and women marry women, be good and kind, and that’ll get you to heaven, dress up like KKK and say it was a joke, oh and if you’re upset, well then that’s your fault, don’t be so serious. No, that’s just plain ignorant. All of it! Wrong is Wrong, no matter if I’ve done it, Chappelle’s done it, or you! It’s still wrong!

  9. AD's comment says

    On April 28, 2008 at 12:34 pm

    Optimistic, can you ever speak passionately without sounding like you have ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL OVER YOURSELF? Are you the only person right in this world? You say so much about God; Is God telling you to look so ridiculous on JohnJohnsaidit.com? Couple your passion with a little intelligence and this site will work out better for you.

    Why should everybody be offended by someone elses ignorance. I just feel sorry for them because of their ignorance, the same as I feel about you with yours. You should think a little more before you speak. That hole between your nose and your chin needs to shut itself and think for ten minutes before you hit the submit button from now on.

    When you do something wrong, do you look for people to forgive you and expect and know that you can make a change? Or are you just perfect? You’re really starting to disappoint me. You’ve almost gotten to the point on JohnJohnsaidit.com where people read your comments and don’t take them serious any more. You’ve got to pick your battles to be passionate about. Don’t cause a seen on every topic posted.

  10. Optimistic's comment says

    On April 28, 2008 at 3:25 pm

    You do not know me, so you being disappointed in me bothers, oh I’d say: NONE!
    Take your own advice and voice your opinion and respect mine. And hey smarty, on this website, we aren’t talking, we’re typing so all that stuff you said about the thing between my nose and my chin made you look, oh it made you look like AD! And who cares if don’t take my comments serious. I didn’t know I was on ADsaidit.com. Oh that’s right I’m not, so when you get your own site then take pride in putting me down. Until then just look over my comments when you see Optimistic because I’m always going to have something to say!
    If God’s for you who can be against you? And I know God’s for me! Thank you AD, you always find a way to get me going on this website. Where are you people from? Oh just to stay on topic, that so called joke was NOT funny. No one on here has said they laughed when they saw this post.

  11. AD's comment says

    On April 28, 2008 at 6:24 pm

    Optimistic, I’m almost proud of you. Im so excited about you figuring out you were typing instead of speaking out of that hole in your face all by yourself. How’s it feel to feel hated on for no reason. I’m glad you don’t like me talking about you because im gonna continue to do it until you absolutely can’t stand me. God aint for you! Ripley wouldn’t even believe that. He might love you, but the way you express yourself is not of God. This may not be ADsaidit.com, but you can believe it’s gonna feel that way for you if you keep taking comments so personal and attacking people instead of their opinions. The more you hate me, the better i’ll feel. At least I know that i’m sitting in the back of your mind every time you write a post… and I love that thought. Take care Mr. Optimistic =)

  12. Optimistic's comment says

    On April 28, 2008 at 6:54 pm

    It’s a pleasure to know that the feelings are mutual! You’re thinking of me… ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh AD… And to say, “God ain’t for you.” He saved the woman at the well who’d been sleeping around, the murderer and adultress David, but it ain’t for me! God is for EVERYONE! Bless yo’ heart!

  13. AD's comment says

    On April 28, 2008 at 7:27 pm

    Now we sound like we have an understanding. I know God will take care of you. I was helping you to make sure he was taking care of you, and not you taking care of you while using his name as your umbrella. Glorify his name, don’t horify it. Look forward to future blogs. I never said don’t say what you have to say, I just don’t want you to judge or generalize people because their opinions don’t correlate your way of thinking. At a minimum, we will both take a second look at our comments before we hit the submit button. I think our little feud was all worth it

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