Size does matter…
Infomercials make it sound so easy for men to increase the size of their manhood…but anything that is too good to be true probably is….one man died from taking a “knock-off” brand of male enhancement pills and others have been hospitalized……so fellas’, if she tells you that you need an enhancement….make sure she’s worth dying for.
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Oh no, I just bought my man some of those pills from the infomercial. O well, I’m worth dying for
I almost didn’t comment on this, just because I think these pills are ridiculous… I mean if the girl ain’t satisfied just keep it moving fella’s, most of these women aren’t worth it. And besides it takes more than size, you gotta’ know what you’re doing. But yea, that’s crazy. I knew that pill had to have some deadly side effects. I mean if taking simple medicine for cramps cause more pain then the cramps themselves then I can only imagine all the side effects involved with this pill. But I ain’t saying that size don’t matter to me. I’m just saying if I ain’t satisfied you can keep it moving fella.